The two books 'FLUTE SCALES Classical, Jazz, Etudes with Audio' and 'FLUTE SCALE Studies with Audio' are enhanced audio ebooks available on the iBooks Store for iPhone, iPad and Mac Computer.
They are both traditional music books in a modern package (digital content and audio). Full detail of the content of BOTH books are in the "Flute Scalebook" page and "Flute Studies Book" page.
Remember, playing Scales and Studies is not simply a technical exercise. Be creative, musical. Play softly, loudly, with expression, with care.....Communicate! Communicate with feeling... especially as you play your scales and studies.
Music is not only about technical expertise, it is about allowing something of you to be expressed in the music you play. The greatest musicians in the world can “touch” you with their music. Technically solid, but much more. So as you approach these, remember to express yourself as you master the technique.
I hope you find these ebooks helpful. If you have any feedback please email me at
Thank you
Raymond Robinson
Sample pages from 'FLUTE SCALES Classical, Jazz, Etudes with Audio':